Best Wishes Cupcakes

It's a mixed feeling everytime I heard that my colleague is leaving the company to start her journey somewhere else.. Mixed between sad and happy feeling.. Sad because the familiar persons that i know would be gone soon, the other parts is happy for her cos she would find something better..
it's part of journey of one's life.. People come, people go :)

Today is my colleague last day and I wanted to give her something as farewell gift :)
Have been contemplating to cookies bouque, I never tried this before.. I had been browsing and searching some designs, but last minutes I need to finish some client's queries and setting up the reports..
So to save time, I decided to make cupcakes instead (nothing new ah.. hehehe)

Here's the cupcakes that I gave to my colleague today

The color theme was inspired by the color of her cushion (right bottom photo).. she has this cushion and likes to hug it everytime she's in the office.

the cupcakes toppers are things which close to her like laptop with line charts, cushion and proposals (I didnt have chance to take photo of this cupcake).She was happy when I passed this cupcakes to her :)

All the best for you..


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